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If you’re struggling with mental health issues, know that you’re not alone. This guide offers support and guidance for those seeking help and resources for mental health.

Trauma's Lasting Impact

Trauma’s Lasting Impact & The Path to Recovery

Understanding the profound impact of trauma on both mental and physical health is crucial. Trauma, often resulting from deeply distressing or disturbing experiences, can lead to a range of chronic health issues, mood disorders, addictions, toxic relationship…

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Overcoming People-Pleasing

Overcoming People-Pleasing for a Healthier You

In today's demanding society, many of us struggle with the challenge of meeting others' needs, often at the expense of our own. The journey of overcoming people-pleasing isn't just about your personal well-being; it’s about fostering authentic…

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Managing LPS Levels Holistically

Managing LPS Levels Holistically

The Lowdown on LPS: What You Need to Know and Why Some Supplements Aren't Your Friend Hey there, health warriors! 🌱 Today, we're diving deep into the world of LPS, or Lipopolysaccharides and managing LPS levels holistically.…

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Tapping Techniques

EFT Tapping Techniques

Episode 128:A Pathway To Insight with Ann Hince In this episode, we are joined by Ann Hince, a professional speaker, author, and spiritual teacher, who discusses the concept of healing through acknowledging and experiencing one's emotions, as…

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The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: Unveiling the Secrets to Healthy Minds & Happiness On this edition of the Healthy Mind, Healthy Life podcast, Avik Chakraborty and Magic Barclay discuss how the connection between our stomach and brain affects our…

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Dealing With A Narcissist

Dealing with a Narcissist

Are you dealing with a narcissist? What is a narcissist? How do you recognise if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist? How do you live with a narcissist if you love one? Why do people live…

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Effects Of Stress On The Body

Effects Of Stress On The Body

Ordinary to Badass Podcast Interview: Why Magic Barclay is so Badass In this episode of Ordinary to Baddass, Marie Sonneman speaks with Magic Barclay, our lead practitioner, on the effects of stress on the body and how…

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