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Looking for alternative ways to improve your health? Explore the world of natural therapies and find the right approach for you.
Holistic Approaches To Skin Disorders

Holistic Approaches to Skin Disorders

In this blog, we explore holistic approaches to skin disorders. Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, boils, rosacea, and psoriasis are often perceived as only surface-level issues, but they can actually be manifestations of internal imbalances. So…

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Trauma's Lasting Impact

Trauma’s Lasting Impact & The Path to Recovery

Understanding the profound impact of trauma on both mental and physical health is crucial. Trauma, often resulting from deeply distressing or disturbing experiences, can lead to a range of chronic health issues, mood disorders, addictions, toxic relationship…

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Tapping Techniques

EFT Tapping Techniques

Episode 128:A Pathway To Insight with Ann Hince In this episode, we are joined by Ann Hince, a professional speaker, author, and spiritual teacher, who discusses the concept of healing through acknowledging and experiencing one's emotions, as…

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The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection

The Gut-Brain Connection: Unveiling the Secrets to Healthy Minds & Happiness On this edition of the Healthy Mind, Healthy Life podcast, Avik Chakraborty and Magic Barclay discuss how the connection between our stomach and brain affects our…

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Essential Oils For Health With Inga Truscott

15 Essential Oils for Better Health

Episode 60:Essential Oils for Health with Inga Truscott In this episode, we will delve into using essential oils for health that can enhance your overall well-being without compromising your body's toxic burden. These tips are aimed at…

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Holistic Health

Holistic Health

Episode 69: Holistic Health with Dr. Kim Brown Magic Barclay talks with Dr. Kim Brown about holistic health and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and how it may assist in improving your health. She also has a great freebie…

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