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Resilience with Kenna Dean

Episode 04: Resilience with Kenna Dean

On this episode of  A Magical Life: health wealth and weight loss we will be talking about resilience with Kenna Dean.

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Kenna Dean, a former actress and the CEO of KDean Consulting, is my guest today. Her company specialises in sales coaching and in teaching people how to be more persuasive, more present, and more influential in both their professional and personal lives.

Kenna managed her own business while being a mother, growing it to seven figures annually with 11 full-time staff. She learnt how to be resilient and choose action over being the victim because she didn’t have a lot of support early in life.

The top 3 suggestions from Kenna for becoming resilient are as follows:

  1. Make no excuses!
  2. Consistently place self-care first.
  3. Disbelieve the doubters.

Kendra battled anorexia for many years. She was able to heal and mend her connection with food with assistance. After all of that and the subsequent fire that broke out in her office building, she came to the realisation that she couldn’t handle everything by herself. She had to make use of her assets and seek assistance.

To get through the challenging time, she advises using whatever means are available, including friends, therapy, sleep, and other activities. When you feel like you can’t see where you’re headed, a business coach can keep you on the right path.

You will make mistakes when beginning your own firm. But that’s how you discover what works and what doesn’t, then get back up and do it again. A coach or mentor can help you by holding you accountable, providing you with ideas, and avoiding you some of the pain associated with starting a business.


Our listeners can take advantage of a couple of complimentary strategy sessions from Kenna here to get in touch with her.

We hope you liked hearing about resilience with Kenna Dean. For those who just joined us for Episode 5, Sharee, the creator of The Wellness and Coaching Company, will be joining us on our next podcast episode. She will share more tips on overcoming anxieties and how to rewire your brain, so keep an eye out for that.

For more episodes on wealth, health, and weight loss, subscribe to our podcast.

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